Water for the People!
Helping the World get Water and Food

Did you know our precious people on Earth have a global water and food shortage?
Over 700 million people lack access to
clean water.
That equals to 1 in every 10 people not having clean water access.

Did you also know that
millions of Americans still live in food deserts?
Unfortunately this is caused do to low income, transportation and overall grocery store locations.

(our equity from the work we do)
to put a dent into that! 10 cents of every bottle sold, will be donated into 2 categories. The first being water development and distribution in dry areas around the globe. As well as quenching food deserts in our underserved communities.

Our model is pretty simple and
to the point.
We can’t do this without you.
So we’ve created a structure to also make our supporters partners. Learn more about this