At DNA Prep Academy we are always striving to develop into the best version of ourselves and at the same time striving to make our unique educational experience available to any committed student-artist or athlete. These two fundamental principles that we have built our Academy on can often cause a strain on the schools resources and leave us with tough decisions between facility and program upgrades or providing necessary financial aid to keep our campus a diverse equal opportunity community.

It is your generosity that enables deserving students to reach their true potential with a DNA education, implement state-of-the-art programs, employ our inspirational staff, upgrade our facilities, and continue our journey to become the very best elementary and middle school in the nation.

If you would like to help us continue to Develop Today’s Champions To Be Tomorrow’s Leaders we are happy to help you find a way that you can give – financially or through volunteerism. For more information, please contact


  • The Best for our Students  
  • Our beautiful campus and facilities  
  • Tuition and fees assistance
  • Competitive salaries to attract the best staff. 
  • Provide a vigorous financial aid program  
  • Support remote and hybrid instructions during the pandemic
  • Ensuring health and safety initiatives and enhance student, faculty, and family well-being programs during the pandemic 
  • Curriculum 
  • Community 
  • Professional Development  
  • Enhance and explore emerging academic, athletic and performing arts services  
Tuition Assistance and Financial Suport

To sustain DNA Prep Academy’s excellence, the school must provide the resources necessary to attract and educate the most talented students around the Los Angeles, regardless of their families’ ability to afford tuition.  We count on the generosity of the DNA community to help us reach these talented students looking for an opportunity to attend our school. With this mission in mind, one of most popular ways to support our school is to designate funds to our general student financial aid pool or to a specific student attending or applying to attend DNA Prep Academy.

Ways to Provide Tuition Support

  • Innovators grade 1-5 (total cost of tuition) 
  • Scholars grades 6- 8 (total cost of tuition)   
  • Athletic Dept. (fully support student tuition, fees, uniforms, equipment, extra cost annually)  
  • 1 year 
  • 2 years 
  • 3 years  

For more information about supporting and establishing a financial aid fund, please contact us at

Annual Fund

The Annual Donor Fund is the primary vehicle for financially supporting DNA Prep Academy (DNA). 

DNA counts on the financial support from parent council, grandparents, faculty, trustees, community, organizations, friends and others who support and believe in the mission and vision to meet the schools operating expenses, enrich the students experience, and ensure financial sustainability.  

Your generous tax-deductible gift to DNA Prep Academy, partners you to helping Develop Today’s Champion to Be Tomorrow’s Leaders.  

For more information about supporting our Annual Donor Fund, please contact us at